
I am an artist and a healer.  I love to combine pungent oily paint and truth.  I have a B.A. in Fine Art from State University of New York.  My passion is to shine light on the beauty of feminine power and wisdom through art, story, ancient practice and how I live my life.  We are free to speak our truth, to be who and how we choose to be and to show up as authentic changemakers.  I choose to make change peacefully and fiercely.  I found euphoric freedom in painting the original Medicine Women/Goddesses.  This freedom had fleeting moments of reverie but was mostly filled with grounded guidance, discovery and intrigue.   I look forward to co-creating your InnerGoddess Portrait.

The painting you see here of my daughter and me came to be when I saw there were no iconic paintings of a mother and child of differing race.  As I was preparing for Sophia's arrival, I looked around my home and saw several portraits of mother and child (these served as fertility emblems as I spent six years yearning for motherhood) and all of them were white mothers and babes.  It makes sense, Sophia's father and I are white.  It made me sad that the art work on our walls did not reflect my love, intrigue and respect for cultures that were different from mine, and here I was getting ready to adopt and raise a multi-race beautiful baby girl. 

Eighteen years later, my passion for encouraging and creating portraits of families and children of differing race is just as strong.  I would be honored to commission a painting of you and your child or children. 

The original Goddess/Medicine Women panels and Sophia and Me are not for sale.  Please use them as inspiration for the beautiful, magical and unique portrait we can co-create for you!

Begin Here

I will send you a healing questionnaire that will help you begin imagining your InnerGoddess Portrait.  There is no obligation to commission a painting.  The questionnaire itself is a healing process.  If you would like to move forward then we will schedule a complimentary consultation with me about the portrait you would like to commission and we will go from there.  

I promise I will not flood your inbox with emails.


“The woman is very empowered and in touch with her sexuality...  Her open arms invite me to approach her and there’s a playfulness that to me feels reminiscent of the circus world. She is welcoming and powerful.

I love the prevalence of rounded forms: The background shapes, the sun and the moon, the bubble-like  elements in the ceremonial headdress, the face, the breasts, the core and hips, even some of your brushstrokes.  They all create a sense of softness  and calmness that contrast with the joyfully vibrant color palette. 
The figure seems to be floating in the air but has a very solid quality. It’s firmly grounded and yet ethereal. 
The background reminds me of different auras and....heaven! .... there’s so much power and light.  It’s interesting how you depicted one of her hands emanating light and the other holding a pencil.....This specially resonates with me because I feel that that’s what I want to be: a healer and a creator. 
The woman’s owl face is in touch with intuition and wisdom; the ceremonial headdress embodies strength and courage; the jumping rabbit...another reference to magic...
Such a powerful painting. 
I love it...and aspire to be this woman.

— Maria Lancis 
Wayfinder Coach
"Kitty Flewelling's InnerGoddess Portraits take us beyond the mundane daily experience, connecting us to our ancestral spirit and shared origins.  Every woman can give meaning to thier larger story and identity through this holistic process of creativity and art making.  Who wouldn't want a depiction of themselves sparkling with light, energy, strength & courage?"

— Anonymous
With ‘Isis Nursing Her Child’, Artist Kitty Fleweling graces us with an exhilarating, bold, yet intimate representation of the Divine Feminine.

Full of raw contrast, vivid color, and undeniable truth, ‘Isis’ draws us in with her knowing gaze. She is fierce and gentle. Nurturing and fully resourced. Human and Divine. She is You. She is Me. She is Mother, Lover, Nike. Protector and Protected. Warrior and Peacemaker.

She is rooted in Mother Earth. And has dominion among her beloved creatures.

With complete assuredness and sovereignty, she wears her wings and carries her vessel.  Her child is safe and nourished in her embrace. As are we.

‘Isis’ is a Marvel. There is nothing to do but drink her in. Be inspired by her.

Allow yourself to fully bask in this Visual Feast Kitty has created that is sure to ignite and evoke every single delicious sense.

— Laura Hof 
B-777 Pilot 


Email is the best way to contact me with authentic curiosity and/or inquiries.  

My Studio Location

504 Beaumont Avenue
Harrodsburg Kentucky 40330
Follow Us
InnerGoddess Portraits are about the process of knowing, discovering, embracing and expressing the deepest parts of yourself.  Your comfort and enjoyment of the process is my priority.  Fill out the healing questionaire and begin this exciting journey today!   
*|www.InnerGoddessPortraits.com |*
Here in our business, on our website and in our lives we celebrate and invite diversity because it makes our lives better, richer and more interesting.  InnerGoddess Portraits invites all human beings to play and find their deepest expression of who they are and want to be.  If you would like a portrait, I would love to create one9 for you!